The Blog of the Global Goddess Project

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Sunday, July 5, 2015

GG Book Club - Money: Master the Game - Introduction

Book: "Money: Master the Game" by Tony Robbins

As Marc Benioff says, this book really isn't about money, it is about creating the life you want, "and part of that is deciding what role you want money to play in it".

It may seem odd that as a writer of a blog about health, female leadership and spirituality I've chosen to dedicate such a huge amount of time to focus on money, but a couple of things happened on the journey to this book:
1. Women are paid almost 1/5 less compared to men
It had been mentioned during a debate in an episode in Season 3 of House of Cards that women, especially women of colour, were paid substantially worse than men
Being curious, I looked up the figures for Australia: Australian full-time working women earn 17.1% less per week than full-time working men’s earnings (a difference that equates to $262.50 per week). American studies show that the gap grows with age
"Women typically earn about 90 percent of what men are paid until they hit 35. After that median earnings for women are typically 75–80 percent of what men are paid."
What does that mean for your savings? If you want to see the impact in real dollar amounts, then read on to Section 1's notes. 
2. Marie Forleo interviewed Tony Robbins
I love Marie's videos and saw that she interviewed Tony about the book. It piqued my interest and I thought, cool book, I'll get around to it. That was like six months ago: I made the mistake of thinking that watching the video was enough; I put it on my to-do list and shelved it in my mind, until...
3. I had to pay for a wedding...
and realised that money (and saving it) needed to become far more important in my life, if I wanted to do the things I want to do, like raise a family, travel and support causes I believe in.
So, some Key Learning points:

"What has been very successful for me through my whole life is not to be arrogant about knowing, but to embrace the fact that I have weaknesses; that I don't know a lot about this, that, and the other thing. The more you learn, the note you realise you don't know."
Ray Dalio - founder of Bridgewater Associates, the world's largest hedge fund.
  • Alignment
Alignment of true purpose and action is something that I keep looking for. 

From: Etsy. Courtesy of Alan Googan.
General Powell and Tony Robbins talk about contribution, or doing good whilst doing well. You are not alone: find your community and do it together.

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