The Blog of the Global Goddess Project

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Monday, April 13, 2015

Not gonna be like you: Handling Workplace Bullies

My heart is swelling as I read my inbox. This Goddess is gonna change and grow from this, I think.

One of my advisory clients had emailed me her homework. Do the work, or delaying it will make it hurt more, I said. So she did it immediately, hours after she cried all the way home from work.

She has recently started a job where her very "Red" (Dominant)-profiled female boss puts her down and bullies her repeatedly. While the boss' intentions are good - she can see there's a need for her employee to learn to push back and occasionally go "Red" like her - it doesn't excuse the manner in which she is conducting herself. The boss is a bully.

In life, you are going to meet bullies. And inside every bully is someone who has been bullied and hides their own emotional injury behind a wall of fear and anger.

How do you not become like her?, my client asked.

Well, in everyone there are things to admire and things to choose to differently. People can pick up on your "rejection" energy - it's that inkling you get that someone doesn't like you, or is politely tolerating or silently judging you - and it can lead to a downwards spiral that makes life with that person Unbearable.

Try this exercise:

Draw up three columns: in the left hand column, write "things I admire about <Name>".

In the middle column, write "Things I won't take on"

In the third column, write "How I choose to do it instead".

Take as long as you can to fill each of the first two columns. Then with reflection and commitment to your better self, approach the third column.

Why? Because you don't take things on from people when you already have a BETTER way of doing things. And by "better", I mean, more effective and more natural to you.

And after the above exercise, write a letter of gratitude, from the heart. List all the things you get out the relationship and thank him or her for the blessing of the lesson or presence in your life.

Come at this process with compassion and gratitude and your relationship with the person will be better, guaranteed. You'll look at them, or interact with them and you will be reminded of the things you admire about them and the lessons their behaviour is teaching you, every day.

What to do next? There's another step...

Being bullied? Want to do the exercise and the next step together? Sign up for a confidential Discovery Questionnaire.

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